Institute of Rail Transport One Year Correspondence Diploma Course in Transport Economic and Management 2014

The one year correspondence diploma course in Transport Economics & Management is likely to benefit fresh graduates from Universities desiring specialization in Transport Economics & Management and seeking employment opportunities in the related fields and those who are already working in any of the Organizations/Ministries dealing with Transport and desiring to upgrade their knowledge etc., to improve their prospectus in their respective Ministries and Enterprises. The present fees for   the   course   including  the  examination  fee is Rs. 4000/-
        The duration of the course is one year, from January - February every year.
        The Course consists of the following seven modules:
1.      Transportation - Issues in Microeconomics
2.      Transportation - Issues in Macroeconomics
3.      Organisation and Legal Aspects of Transport Modes
4.      Financing and Investment Policy in Transport 
5.      Cost Benefit Analysis
6.      Inter Modal Coordination
All the lesson are printed in Hindi & English and sent to the candidates by post.
Eligibility: Candidates having a Bachelor's Degree or a Diploma in any Engineering Discipline from a recognized University/Institute are eligible

Application Form & Prospectus:  The Prospectus for all the Diploma Courses can be obtained from the institute on payment of Rs 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) each by Cash or by post by remittance through crossed Demand Draft in Favour of the Institute of Rail Transport and payable at New Delhi along with an envelope (11"x5") self addressed to write their names and addresses and course name at the back of the demand draft when apply for prospectus etc.  The address is given below.

These Courses are being conducted by teams of Faculty Members drawn from the Indian Railways, Railway Staff College, Baroda, professions and experts of respective fields and eminent academicians of different disciplines of the Universities.

Those interested in the promotion of transport can avail of individual membership or institutional membership. Those who are having organizations dealing with transport can arrange to depute the staff to join the diploma course outlined above. It will make them perform their duties more effectively. Organizations are also invited to advertise in the Rail transport journal.

The Institute has for over 38 years been working as a major national forum to focus ideas on important transport related issues and has also played a significant role in the dissemination of knowledge in the field of transport. In the years to come, it is expected that the Institute will play a significant role in the South Asian Region.
Room No. 17, Rail Bhavan,
Raisina Road,   New Delhi – 110 001
Ph – 011-2338 4171, 2338 4362, 2330 3236, 2330 4147
Last Date: February, 2014

For more information visit:

1 comment:

  1. This post is more informative. I want to get name of college which are providing diploma in transport & Economic and management. Please share with me.
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